Existing driveway into a well-wooded lot with beautiful pines and firs.
Surrounding homes in the area.
Lot discounted in price and sold as is, as it needs clean up.
2.05 Acres Klamath County, Oregon
Purchasing Terms
$18,000 cash or $19,500 finance. If financed, $1000 down at $248.00/mo. at 12%, 12 years. No prepayment penalty. Three years to pay off and get 10% off remaining balance. If bought sight unseen, you have a one-year option to switch the equity to any other lot if you are not 100% happy when you view the land.
Pictures of the Land
Property Details
R386344 Map No: R-3711-016A0-0280-000
2.05 Acres Gross (1.92 Acres Net) M/L being: Lot 4 Block 7, Klamath Falls Forest Estates, Hwy 66, Plat 1, Klamath County, Oregon
NOTE: Zoned for one home. Manufactured homes and animals OK. Snows in winter. Cool in summer. Elevation COULD mean a personal well might be as much as 1000` and very spendy, but there are wells in the area at less than half that distance down.
Well wooded parcel near National Forest, on Bly Mountain, just above Bonanza, Oregon. Mostly pines and firs. Very old railroad track runs along S.E. lot line. No power, but has underground phone. Lot slopes slightly toward the road. Homes in the area. Sits on Blacktail lane. Private parcel. A few scattered homes in the area. Existing driveway.
Just off Highway 140 to the west, off Kodiak Lane.
Location Information
(If you tap on this link while using a smartphone, it may try to give you directions to the lot instead of showing you where it is on a map. If this happens, simply copy and paste the GPS coordinates into Google Maps on your phone’s web browser.)
Contact Information
Michael Long – (503) 680-1144 – oregonlandman@gmail.com
Well Information
Note: Some people buy our lots and decide that they would like to have a full time water source at their property. The lots that we sell are undeveloped and don’t currently have water wells but you can inquire about having a well drilled by clicking here.